move the bytes to see the truth!
you need to crack this file and find the flag.
tips: This is a sui bytecode
To disassemble the file in the MetaTrust CTF, we used the sui client command-line interface. The sui move disassemble command allowed us to view the assembly code for the Move bytecode.
If you’re interested in viewing the assembly code for the file, you can check out the code at the following link:
The file contains several functions, including compute, byte_to_u64, slice, and solve. The byte_to_u64 and slice functions are not particularly important.
Check the value of the constants:
The solve
function is the entry point for the program and accepts a vector as its argument, which represents the flag. The function checks the format of the input, computes a value using the compute function, and then asserts that the input is equal to the ciphertext value.
A loop, check i < 32
An inner loop, check j < 8
The compute function takes the i/4th element of the vector as its first argument and the 2290631716 as its second argument.
I construct the script like this:
Finally, you’ll find it is a LFSR.
To crack the flag, I wrote a Python script: